Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Article II of the 1987 Philippine constitution states in its section 13 that the state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation building. We, the youth, are nation builders, indeed. But, do we care? Are we concerned about all the happenings in our country? Are we dreaming for a better Philippines? A definite YES would be the answer. But, the biggest question is, are we doing something? Are we converting our ideals into actions? Does everyone hear our clamors for change, our clamors for solutions? NO! This is what differentiates liberal youths from those that are not. A liberal youth knows where he stands; a liberal youth doesn’t just know what is good for this country, but he also does something to achieve it; a liberal youth acts.

I feel depressed every time I hear that the youth of today are apathetic. Apathy is the one that kills us. Apathy means lack of concern, lack of patriotism, lack of love. Aristotle once said that he who is unable to live in the society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself must either be a beast or a god, and therefore he is not part of the state. We are not beasts, nor gods. We are part of this society no matter how we deny it. No matter how we try not to be affected, we are affected. We are part of this society and thus we must do something for its betterment.

Our history is a witness of the struggles of the youth of the past. Now is the time for us, the youth of today, to prove that the good of this country lies in our hands. We are the future of this nation, and so, we must contribute in its transformation. We must transform this nation into a better one- a nation of unity, a nation of peace, a nation of progress.

Young liberals speak; young liberals listen; young liberals know; young liberals act; young liberals are definitely this country’s nation builders! Our challenge now is for us to prove to them that we are worthy to be called so, that we are not apathetic, that we are truly liberals!


Donnabee said...

hi lala! you have all the time in the world to know your niche and yes, you wrote it just right.

most blogs started as personal journals; siyempre naman, what you basically write is what you are. but everyone can write about anything. what matters is that your message matters not only to you.

take your time. i know, in due time, you'll be able to know what your blog is gonna be about.

by the way, you are very lucky to have an impressive talent in writing. i hope you use it well. happy blogging!

Anonymous said...

hi lala!(^_^)

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